Sunday, March 29, 2009

Interesting was the surprised look on pop singer Emmy’s face at the Tashir 2008 concert in Moscow when Anastas Mikoyan’s grandson presented her the best singer of the year award and said, “Only you sang like an Armenian. The others sang like Turks.” It happened that Emmy had sung a song written by Arno Babajanyan. Having said that, it is important to note that singing like a Turk is fine if one is a Turk, likewise, singing like a Persian or Azeri is fine if one is a Persian or Azeri, it’s just that a poor imitation of another nation’s music does nothing for the singer or their national music or pride for that matter. A pity more Armenians don’t sing like Armenians ... perhaps they should learn a lesson from the Kurdish teen who appeared on ALM television a week or so ago, singing a Kurdish folk song with such pride and authentic Kurdish style that puts most Armenian singers, pop and otherwise, to shame.

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